Monday, December 23, 2013

Last Minute Gift Ideas for Men!

Christmas is right around the corner. Is your Christmas shopping finished? If you’re like many Americans, shopping begins and ends on Christmas Eve. Look no further, we’ve found a great list of gadgets and gifts for men on this holiday season:

Friday, December 13, 2013

Friday the 13th!

Today is Friday the 13th. We won't see another Friday the 13th until June 2014. Ever wondered where the freaky myths about these days come from? Check out 13 Freaky Trivia Facts about this day!

Friday, December 6, 2013

Top Holiday Movies - is yours on the list?

Ah yes! It’s the Holidays, and with it comes Christmas music, family visits, and hot cocoa for days! It’s likely that you’ll be gathered around the fireplace with your family and friends sometime soon. Take a look at the top holiday movies; do many of these make your list?