Monday, December 3, 2012

Car Maintenance Tip of the Week

Engine coolant

Replace most engine coolant or antifreeze every 30,000 miles – or every two to three years. Newer formulas, however, may last up to 50,000 miles. To check coolant level, turn the car off and wait for the engine to cool. Locate the coolant reservoir (usually a translucent plastic tank) and eyeball the level of the coolant against the full and low indicators.


1 comment:

  1. Yes, it’s always best to replace your engine coolant every two years to three years to reload the elements that serve as defense from corrosion, rust, gelling, foaming, and electrolysis. Also, always remember that your car’s cooling system should have at least a concentration of 50% antifreeze.

    - Michelina Douglass
