Friday, May 30, 2014

Put down the cellphone: How NOT to become a statistic

Using a cell phone in your vehicle makes you a much more dangerous driver. It’s a proven fact. Motorists who talked on either handheld or hands-free cell phones drove slightly slower, were 9 percent slower to hit the brakes, displayed 24 percent more variation in following distance as their attention switched between driving and conversing, were 19 percent slower to resume normal speed after braking and were more likely to crash.

So for safety sakes, just put the phone down or pull over to the side if it is that urgent. Safe travels!

Friday, May 23, 2014

Don’t let car thieves ruin your Memorial Day weekend

Memorial Day weekend is kind of like the start of summer, isn’t it?  You’ll probably go to a BBQ or some other outdoor activity to enjoy the sunshine and ring in the sizzling months to come.  It’s time to kick back, let your hair down, and have some fun–just make sure your car doesn’t leave the party without you.
  1. If you are going to drink, don’t drive. We’re not talking about avoiding a DUI—that should be a given. Many people this weekend will head out to a BBQ with the plan to leave their car overnight and cab it home. Don’t do it!
  2. If you park in a garage make sure to park somewhere away from the exits. Thieves like quick getaways, and if your car is sitting close to an exit it’s a sitting duck. Park further away and in as much lighting as possible!
  3. Double check that your doors are locked and never keep your spare key in or near your car. Yes it may be con convenient to have a spare key in the car just in case, but if your car is burglarized you are handing your car away.
  4. If you don’t have a security system installed it may be time to consider purchasing one. The sound of an alarm draws plenty of attention and will definitely rattle any potential thief.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Check for tire wear! Here's how.

U.S. coins can be substituted for a tire tread depth gauge as tires wear to the critical final few 32nds of an inch of their remaining tread depth.

Place a penny into several tread grooves across the tire. If part of Lincoln’s head is always covered by the thread then you are still in good shape. You should have around 2/32” of tread depth left.

Place a quarter into several thread grooves across the tire. Similar to what you did with the penny. If part of Washington’s head is always covered by the tread, then you have 4/32” of tread depth remaining.

According to most states' laws, tires are legally worn out when they have worn down to 2/32" of remaining tread depth. To help warn drivers that their tires have reached that point, tires sold in North America are required to have indicators molded into their tread design called "wear bars" which run across their tread pattern from their outside shoulder to inside shoulder. Wear bars are designed to visually connect the elements of the tire's tread pattern and warn drivers when their tires no longer meet minimum tread depth requirements.  


Friday, May 9, 2014

Mother's Day Car-Cleaning Tips!

Mother’s Day is around the corner and if you want to get on Mom’s good side then give her car a professional-style cleaning that will make her vehicle gleam! Here are our tips that will ensure a clean car and a happy Mom!

The best car washes are done by hand. Yes it would be a lot easier to spend the money and get it done at a car wash, but it’s for Mom and we want the best for her. So get a little dirty and get scrubbing. After you feel the car has been thoroughly cleaned, it is time for one of the most important parts of the car wash! Drying…make sure you get the car in some shade, and with a clean towel wipe down the car efficiently to make sure it doesn’t leave any dry spots.

After the car looks nice and dry, it is time to put in the magic touch! Embrace your inner Daniel san, wax on, wax off!