Friday, May 23, 2014

Don’t let car thieves ruin your Memorial Day weekend

Memorial Day weekend is kind of like the start of summer, isn’t it?  You’ll probably go to a BBQ or some other outdoor activity to enjoy the sunshine and ring in the sizzling months to come.  It’s time to kick back, let your hair down, and have some fun–just make sure your car doesn’t leave the party without you.
  1. If you are going to drink, don’t drive. We’re not talking about avoiding a DUI—that should be a given. Many people this weekend will head out to a BBQ with the plan to leave their car overnight and cab it home. Don’t do it!
  2. If you park in a garage make sure to park somewhere away from the exits. Thieves like quick getaways, and if your car is sitting close to an exit it’s a sitting duck. Park further away and in as much lighting as possible!
  3. Double check that your doors are locked and never keep your spare key in or near your car. Yes it may be con convenient to have a spare key in the car just in case, but if your car is burglarized you are handing your car away.
  4. If you don’t have a security system installed it may be time to consider purchasing one. The sound of an alarm draws plenty of attention and will definitely rattle any potential thief.

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