Friday, May 2, 2014

Our top scenic Bridges

Summer is on the way and the season for road trips has arrived. So why not take a few detours before hitting the beach and take a ride over these 3 bridges.

Number 3 on my list is the Seven Mile Bridge in Key West, Florida. A bridge which is part of the famous overseas highway system gives drivers awesome scenic views and beautiful Florida sunsets.  If you find yourselves in Southern Florida you are only a hop, skip and jump away from one of the country’s most famous bridges.

The Claiborne Pell Newport Bridge is a must-see on my list. The awesome ocean views and beautiful Rhode Island landscape make this toll bridge way worth the price of admission. If you have a camera handy, which you should, here is the place to capture some amazing photos.

Of course we have to give the West Coast a little love, which allows the Golden Gate Bridge to top our list. Besides being one of the most famous bridges in the world and an American landmark this bridge gives awesome views of the Pacific Ocean, which if you ever have an opportunity to see in person is way worth it.

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